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tv   KTVU Morning News  FOX  June 11, 2012 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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1616 people are homeless this morning after a big apartment fire. >> swept away after falling off a cliff in the north by a the overnight development on a coast guard search for the missing man. >> your cell phone could help san fransisco police solve a homicide that happened after the bay to brakers race. we'll tell you how you can help coming up. >> lots of sunshine inland with warm to hot conditions but along the coast and we keep it clear as there's some fog starting to work its way back. second hour of the morning news continues. >> good morning to you welcome to a brand new day. it's monday. it's june 11th i'm dave clark. good morning i'm pam cook. thank you for joining us.
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let's check in with steve paulson. >> thank you very much. we do have clear skies here, the key for those of you heading over to the olympic club, daly city usually one of the leaders of the pack when that fog starts to come back. temperatures inland not a problem, 80s, and 90s. >> good morning northbound 101 san fransisco, that looks good, southbound 101 also looks good leg to sfo and if you are driving on 80 westbound it's a nice looking drive. 6:01 let's go back to the desk. >> we begin the hour with developing news at an apartment fire in the east bay. it started at about 1:00 this morning causing major damage owe a complex on shore view court many bay point. muse news lorraine blanco is there at the fire scene with word now of a possible cause. lorraine. >> reporter: firefighters tell us this was an especially difficult fire to snuff out of because of the wood
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construction of these apartments. let's take a look at some home video. just after 1 a.m. right at the beginning of the fire. contra costa told us it quickly became a 3 alarm blaze. it started on shore view court. at least three units were fully engulfed when firefighters arrived. everyone was able to get out safely. they think it could have started on the porch because of a barbecue grill. >> whoever was there having a barbecue they left the barbecue pit going and, i don't know if they left or went in the house but eventually it caught on fire. so somebody started screaming fire fire fire so we came out and when we came out, at first it was just the top floor and then the whole thing. >> four families are displaced, at least two of the units are a total loss and, all 12 adults and four children are without a home this morning. the american red cross is helping with shelter and food.
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reporting live in bay point, lorraine blanco ktvu channel 2 news. time is now 6:02 in other news a shooting in oakland last night left one man dead. this happened shortly before 11:00 on foothill boulevard between 22nd and 23rd avenues. police collected evidence during the night. so far there's no word of any arrests or descriptions of the suspects. the man convicted of killing a father and his two sons in san fransisco in 2008 is scheduled to be sentenced later this morning. edwin ramos was convicted of three counts of murder last month month in the deaths of anthony balonia and his sons michael and matthew. prosecutors say ramos shot the family after mistaken them for rival gang members. ramos is facing life in prison without the possibility of parole. the coast guard is now suspensing its search for a 22- year-old man who fell from the cliffs in bodega bay. on saturday night andrew was climbing with a friend when he slipped and fell into the
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water. the coast guard immediately responded launching boats and helicopters to search for him. >> searchers responded out there, found the backpack in the water. we believe it belonged to the gentleman that fell but we have not recovered anyone from the water. >> the friend he was with says bader hit his head on the rocks before disappearing into the waves. the coast guard and sheriff's department say he is presumed dead. a brutal attack that occurred after the bay to breakers race has now turned into a homicide investigation. that victim was taken off life support on friday. ktvu, is joining us live from san fransisco to tell us what the police and family members are saying could help solve the case. >> i want you to take a good look around this intersection. this is where the attack happened. over there is key czar stayed yes, ma'am and if we pan over here to the right this is ucsf
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irving street and this the entrance to golden gate park. we have sharon art studios and some soccer fields this is where on the day of the race just before 5:00 at night witnesses say a fight broke out between 30-year-old steven martin and a group of men in 49ers jerseys. they say one of the men ran toward martin and punched him. he fell and struck his head on the curve. police, family, and friends are certain that someone has evidence on their camera or cell phones. but katie cavanaugh who ran the race said it would be easy owe miss a fight in the big crowd. >> it kind of makes sense that some things could go unnoticed in everything that was happening, that terrible things like that could happen. >> family and friends set up facebook pages in hopes of generating tips. martin suffered brain damage and slipped into a key mat. his part parents decided to
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take him off life support friday. they describe the attackers as a group owe latino men in their 20s. they say the men were were w a group of women wearing purple and one of the women was wearing an orange tutu. it's easy to control through your cell phone and see if you have any pictures from that day. police would like your help in trying to solve this homicide. in less than an hour the doors will open at san fransisco moskone center. going to take you out there live where we've been watching since 4:30. people lining up around the block for the apple developers conference. the new ceo tim cook is expected to take the stage and deliver the keynote address at 10. an upgraded operating system is apparently being rolled out. this is the first conference since the october death of steve jobs. hundreds of nurse, from all
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over northern california are expected to stage a noontime raleigh in oakland. this will be a show of support for the nurses still locked in a bitter contract dispute with sutter hill. it comes ahead of a scheduled one day strike on wednesday. this morning the supreme court starts issuing rulings everybody's going to be watching to see if the justices release a decision on president obama's health care overhaul. coming up for you, the nation's largest health care insurance company says it's not going to wait for the supreme court to rule. the big announcement that company is making today. 6:07 is the time right now. we're going to go back over to sal. how's the commute sal? >> doing pretty well. as a matter of fact, we're doing all right here just looking, and i want to show you the traffic is moving along nicely in most commutes so far. this is still early. this is the east shore freeway and traffic is moving along nicely. also the morning commute looks good if you are driving in
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northbound 101. southbound 101 looks good. 280 looks good. that's the way to drop somebody off ats olympic club but you won't be able to park there. you should probably use some of the shuttle buses or take the bart to the daily station. this is a look at san mateo and hay wood bridge, that looks nice. highway 4 still looking pretty good which is a little bit slow in antioch but the rest is doing well from pittsburg over to bay point and concord. livermore traffic betting a little busier driving towards dublin. we do have clear skies so far keeping an eye on things over by daly city and west lake serramonte because the fog decides to come back that's usually the first spot. coast is clear right now. there's some fog to the south and fog coming in but high pressure means temperatures will warm up really fast. high pressure though, it's not
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the east breeze anymore. i was looking some of the higher elevations it's still very warm at 76 degrees but the wind is turning a little more northwest instead of that east, northeast. it will be hot inland, 60s, 70s, and 80s, already 62 in san jose. 50s for some low 50s, in that pay pennsylvania and santa rose s. also santa rosa. the only breeze so far sfo west at 6 and that's nothing for them. high pressure is moving. it will allow another system to come in tomorrow. that will start to to increase the fog a little bit. sunshine for most. sometimes that patchy fog can form fast but it looks to be off to a good start here. warm to hot with a lighter breeze. a west wind should kick in later because the offshore component looks like it's gone. sunny, warm to hot. i mention a patch or two of low
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clouds just to kind of cover myself. 70s, 80s, and 90s inland. 96 out towards antioch, santa claire, 92, 68 daly city, 66 pacifica, 88 san mateo, san brew no 78, big difference there, right along crystal springs to the river club you can get a 25-degree spread sometimes. more sunshine and warm weather comes back for the weekend. they are targeting the latino vote, new spanish web videos by both president obama and mitt romney. lady gaga suffers a concussion during a new zealand concert after coming in close contact with a stage prop. also why some are concerned the cools memorial stadium won't be ready for the home
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opener this fall. wherever the wind takes me. this is so off course. nature can surprise you sometimes... next time, you drive. next time, signal your turn. ...that's why we got a subaru. love wherever the road takes you.
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♪ ♪ ♪ [ transforming sounds ] [ male announcer ] transformers. the ride. ride it at universal studios hollywood.
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new this morning rafael nadal beat and made history at the french open winning his record 7th french open title just about an hour ago. rafael nadal bad novak djokovic in his fourth set in a match that spanned two days. he now has a 52 and 1 record at the french open. there's now some doubt that
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the memorial stadium will open in time for the home opener. a subcontractor tells the chronicle that he would be surprised if the stadiums renovation was finished on schedule. a uc spokeswoman says there were delays in fire proofing the press box because of the weather. she also says the school is working to make sure it's ready. we're watching the u.s. supreme court right now. we know at least some rulings will be handed down. will the historic health care reform case be one of them? >> ktvu scott macfarlane is watching everything in our washington d.c. newsroom. scott. dave i'm told it's not likely but it is possible. there's just two weeks left in this session. in the meantime this morning's washington postpost is reporting united health care is going to adopt some of the changes in the health reform law no matter what the supreme court rules. united will continue to allow patients to remain on their insurance of their parents
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until age 26 and would make it easier for patients to appeal some changes and congressional republicans tell me regardless of the ruling they're pushing for full repeal of the law. >> once you get to a mandate it means that washington is discover what health care is. >> clearly the political fight over health reform continues. the supreme court convenes at 7 a.m. we will update you shortly thereafter. live in washington scott macfarlane. 6:15, well the presidential campaigns of both president obama and mitt romney have produced some new commercials. they target latino voters. aer pact supporting president obama is launching a $4 million spanish language add campaign. the adds say mitt romney's policies would benefit the
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beltiest americans at the expense of latino families and mitt romney's campaign is relaying this new online spanish language add today. it's called strong leadership. it talks about mitt romney's achievements. both go after the latino vote and many latino leaders say what they want to see is progress on immigration reform. voters in arizona will decide tomorrow in a special election what will take over gabrielle gifford's seat in congress. over the weekend she along with her husband campaigned for her former aide, ron barber. he's the democrat running for that seat. the give fords gave up her seat to concentrate on her recovery after she was shot in the head. sacramento police are investigating a shooting of four people including the
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suspected gunman. police think the gunman was allowed into a home saturday night but then started shooting the people inside. a couple in their 50s and two other people were shot. three of them died. the other was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. police say the couple's son heard the shooting and fired back killing the suspected gun. the shooting has people this the neighborhood worried. >> this makes me want to really just stay on my toes and watch people around here because you never know what could happen. it might be you the next time. the couple that died were spiritual leaders in the hmong community. investigators say there were no signs of forced entry and they don't believe the shooting was random. a motive is not yet known but police it could be gang residented. we have new details on a fire in china town. one person had to be rescued after a fire on webster streeted about 6:15 last night.
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it took 90 minutes orgeat that fire under control and one firefighter did receive a minor burn. investigators say the fire may have been sparked by a water heater in the back of the building. fire officials in contra costa county are investigating a fire in her cue lease as suspicious. firefighters say heavy brush and wooden fencing fueled the fire on saturday night. they also had a water problem. the closest fire hydrant was not working. fire officials have not said why they believe the fire is suspicious and the cause is still under investigation. no one was hurt and no homes were damaged. two u.s. college students are safe. they were stranded for nine days in the new zealand wilderness. # 1-year-old erica lit worth and aleck brown. perp planning to hike for a couple days but heavy rains rains and even a snowstorm blocked them from crossing a river. police say the students from the university of wisconsin survived by using the hot springs to stay warm and they
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rationed the trail mix they had with them. lady gaga's concert in new zealand also took an unexpected turn. she was hurt on stage. watch this. she was performing when she was hit on the head right there by one of the stage poles there. it happened, a backup dancer was removing a prop from the stage. you see her she walked off stage. she did come back to finish her store. her makeup arkansas twist tweeted that lady gaga suffered a concussion. >> 6:19 is the time let's check back in with sal. >> i want to let you know about the u.s. open that's going to be this week at the olympic club in daly city. everyone thinks it's in san fransisco, technically in daly city. let's go up to the closure on skyline and john daly boulevard. our crew is there and the closure is going to have an impact on some of the major
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streets in daly city. john daly and the sign lie skyline, if you're thinking of going, and you want to get out to the olympic club and watch this event the best advice i have for you is to take bart to the cull ma station and from there they have free shuttles to get you to and from the olympic club. if you want to bring your car you can go to candle stick park. they have shuttles there. this area is going to be extremely limited. let's go out and take a look at westbound 80 heading out to the macarthur maze. bay bridge toll plaza not that bad yet. and this is a look at the livermore to caster valley commute, westbound 589, westbound 580 at 680 a minor crash on the shoulder and then we're watching highway 4. it is pretty slow now through almost
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all of antioch. >> a very good morning, clear skies, looks good even over towards daly city, west lake so far things are good. take a jacket because when that wind kicks in that temperature can drop fast. inland not a problem today. temperatures will be warming up very fast. even on the coast it looks good, sunny breezy, nice and mild but a west wind will develop the offshore breeze we had on sunday. the fire danger remains high, some of the inland areas and higher elevations are very warm, sunshine across the board. fog is right down there. there's also some off the coast tomorrow looks like the fog will come back, probably a good little sea breeze will kick in for some on the coast today. we already have upper 50s and low 60s on the temps although much cooler towards the north bay. high pressure is moving but it's over us tot today. we lose that component of the
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offshore breeze as i mentioned. by the coast 60s, 70s, towards 80s. i've mentioned a few patchy low clouds. i haven't seen anything form yet. temperatures will move out fast. the days are very long as you know. alameda, 80, brentwood the 5, 91 sunnyville, 60s, we'll go 68 daly city, 66 pacifica, half- moon bay, 68, san bruno 78. and redwood city 90. a big difference over there but it's sun n right now. cooler on tuesday on the coast for everyone on wednesday, thursday, warmer weather returns for the weekend. this morning the world's airlines say they still expect to earn a combined profit of $3 billion this year but the international air transport association warns that the industry is not as stable as it sounds. the industry organization says north and south america are the only regions showing growth and there are concerns that cargo
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traffic could decline if the economic crisis spills over from europe. have you noticed a change in your cup of coffee? coffee producers added a higher pro portion of cheaper row basta coffee beans to their grounds assed price of topnotcher lab cabanes tripled while coffee sales held steady. that means coffee drinks have accepted lower grade beans. i just need one cup of coffee. >> i put enough milk and sugar to hide whatever beans are in there. movie cameras rolling today. actor ashton kutcher prepares to transform helps into steve jobs. fire forces a hayward family out of their home. how firefighters rescued their dog.
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[ creaking ] [ male announcer ] trophies and awards lift you up. but they can also hold you back. unless you ask, what's next? [ zapping ] [ clang ] this is the next level of performance. the next level of innovation. the next rx. the all-new f sport. this is the pursuit of perfection. good morning a lot of closures this week for the olympic club, daly city, california highway patrol daly city police are going to be keeping a tight ship here. those shuttle buses like the one you saw drive by probably the best way to get there. we'll tell you more coming up. new this morning fire crews
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rescued a dog from a house fire in hayward. that fire started in the kitchen on laugh lafayette avenue yesterday evening. the family said their dog was still inside the house. now take a look the maddie is bind blind in one eye. a firefighter found her and carried her to safety. well, a plan to provide free muni passes to low income youth in san fransisco is moving forward. they have secured $4 million for its pilot program. they still need a million more. the plan was approved by muni's board but that approval was contingent on getting $5 million from the metropolitan transportation commission. the program would provide free rides for about 40,000 youth. the mtc will talk about that on wednesday. today film crews are in lows al toes starting to work on bringing steve jobs to the silver screen. the movie in the work is tiled jobs and stars ashton kutcher.
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it will focus on the life of steve jobs between 1971 and 2000. it's based on months of research and interviews with friends colleagues and mentors of steve jobs. they say they want to create a gripping and truthful portrayal of his life. doors open to apples developers conference in just about 30 minute. look at that. we're outside with what's expected from the first conference since the death of steve jobs. >> people screaming for help early this morning in bay point. we'll show you an apartment fire that sent more than a dozen people running from their homes.
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right outside the opening bell there in new york this morning. a couple of exciting events there, on the left-hand side, new york stock exchange, new york based investment bank
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celebrating 50th anniversary and i on the nasdaq diagnostics went public june 7th. they do diagnostic testing and they're sit celebrating their ipo on the nasdaq. today i like this headline, will this baitout work. spain's bailout so we'll see how the markets react. so far bottom part of your screen, dow jones up. >> thank you for joining us on ktvu channel 2 morning news, a brand new day, monday june the 11th i'm dave clark. good morning i'm pam cook. in the news for you right now we're starting with overnight news coming from the east bay, the red cross helping to provide shelter to families who lost their homes in an overnight fire. this one started about 1 a.m., caused major damage to an apartment complex in bay point. you can see ktvu lorraine blanco is there. lorraine what do you know. >> firefighters are still investigating the cause out here this morning, but they think it may have started on
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the porch in a barbecue grill. you can see just how high the flames shot into the air from this video we obtained from a neighbor. this was just after 1 a.m. right at the beginning of that fire. contra costa told us it quickly became a 3 alarm fire. it started in the bottom unit at the river -- at least three units were fully engulfed. neighbors describe a chaotic scene as people ran for their lives mr. we heard people screaming help, and we were trying to call 9-1-1 and it took a long time for them to come. it took too long for them to come. people were screaming help. we were hysterical. we didn't know if they were dead or what. i'm glad to know everybody got out. >> four families are displaced. at least two of the units are a total loss. in all 12 adults and four children are without a home this morning. the american red cross is helping them with shelter and
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food. the good news is no one was injured. this is a good reminder to make sure the fire is completely out when you walk away. ktvu channel 2 news. in overnight news a woman was killed after her car crashed into a disabled big rig in the south bay. that happened on southbound 880 near that has monodrive in medical fetus just after midnight. the scene was cleared about 3:30 this morning. highway patrol officers say the big rig had pulled over on to the right side because of a mechanical issue. she plowed right into that truck. she died at the scene. right now people are lined up around san fransisco's moskone center for the apples development conference. allie rasmus has been out there this morning and i guess doors opening pretty soon allie. >> that's right people are
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getting ready. doors open a half hour right now. the entrance is through these glass windows. those glass doors you see there, that's where the line starts. it goes around the building, all the way down the block, snakes down this corner and if we walk further down this way we can show you how far the line goes all the way down this block, hundreds of people deep. some of the people in line have been here since 10:00 last night. they're here for the apple worldwide development conference. what they are in line for is they want to be in the room when apple ceo tim cook gives the keynote speech, and that's scheduled to happen at 10:00 this morning. some people camped out overnight and had their ipads and iphones cokeep them entertain. some of the people in line this morning had some ideas about what they think is next for apple. >> i think we're definitely
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going orgeat a new map. i think that's definitely coming. i would like to see. we're kind of meeting with probably some of the most devoted apple afear that does around the world. you get to learn a lot of good things from the experts and it's fun mixing up with the apple employees. >> and the map program you heard thatly lei dimension is supposed to be part of the new operating system, osx and the rumor is they will have their own satellite map program. there's also talk that facebook may become more integrated with the iphone. you might be able to do new things like facebook chat. it's all a mystery to everyone here in line and apple fans everywhere until the conference begins and doors are set to
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open in a half hour. 6:35 former penn assistant football coach jerry sandusky is in court for the beginning of his trial on child sex abuse charges. this is sandusky and his lawyer. they arrived a little while ago. this is outside the courthouse in pennsylvania. sandusky is accused of sexually abusing ten boys over a 15-year period. prosecutors say he met some of the alleged victims through his second mile charity, and that some of the alleged abuse happened on the penn state campus. san dust we denies the allegations. roger clemens in his trial, is about to go to the jury. defense plans to wrap up its case today with closing arguments tomorrow. the jury will then start deciding roger clemens fate following a two month trial. the seven time cy young award winner is charged with lying to congress in 2008 when he denied
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using steroids. happening now, thousands of people evacuated as the high park fire continues to burn in colorado. now it started after a lightning strike on saturday morning and it's burning in the mountains west of fort collins. let me take you there live this morning. that fire has burned 20,000 acres in just 48 hours. now, so far you can see a lot of smoke there in the mountains and the valleys there. the fire has burned more than 30 square miles over the weekend. it raised across 20,000 acres over the weekend as we mentioned. firefighters say it's being fueled by very strong winds and it continues to grow very quickly. take a look at the picture there with the smoke. they say it's still a threat to homes and people. >> these folks are doing everything they can, but mother nature is running this fire yesterday and today. all we can do is get people out of the way. >> 18 structures have been damaged or destroyed. wild fire officials say
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resources are being spread thin because of other fires burning in nearby areas. now, one of those, the little bear fire burning in southern new mexico, a lightning strike on june 4th also being blamed for that wild fire. yesterday's new mexico governor called for the national guard to help get the fire under control. the fire is being considered a large threat because of how close it is burning to homes. it's 6:37. here in the bay area a red flag fire warning still in effect in the north bay mountains and the east bay hills. firefighters all over the bay area are going door to door warning homeowners of the fire danger. we're going to tell you why this could be a bad fire season. stay tuned for that at 6:45. sal is keeping an eye on traffic of course this morning. how's it look sal. >> we're doing okay this morning. it doesn't look too bad. we do have some slow downs that are beginning to pop up now that we're getting closer to
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the heart of the commute. let's go to live pictures i was to show you the bay bridge toll mesa. we have a little bit of a backup here. no major problems getting into the city. once on the bridge it looks good. now, if you are driving -- if you want to go check out some of the practice rounds at the olympic club for the u.s. open, remember today is the first day they have practice rounds. thursday the tournament starts when it actually counts. there will be a lot of people coming to the olympic club in daly city. the best advice i have for you is take bart to the cull ma station and they will shuttle you to the olympic club. you can also bring your car to candle stick. we don't recommend bringing your car to this area. parking is limited. let's go out and take a look at the peninsula. 101 and 280 are doing well. south bay, 280 and 101 also doing well in the santa clara valley. and getting crowded heading
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down from hayward headed south. >> a very good morning, skies are clear, the fog's down in southern california. everything looks great. if you're heading out -- hold on a second. daly city they'll be good today but the fog will be back. today looks pretty good. up and down the coast so far things are nice here. to the's forecast, sunny, breezy, nice by the coast. it will be warm to hot around the bay and it will just be -- it's not that fresno hot or anything but it will be hot. we're already in the low 60s for some, mown view and san jose. not much of a breeze if anything, a little puff of a west, northwest at sfo but it's calm fairfield, temperatures will have no problem warming up. the offshore breeze looks like it's turning northwest. it's still really warm. you get up about 2,000 feet temperatures are in the mid- 70s. there's the fog in southern california. it's taking the turn there. we lose the surface high but
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the big guy high is right will. 90s inland, temperatures 80s and 90s, today probably about the same as yesterday. by the coast looks to be a little cooler but will still be sunny. i mentioned a few patches of low clouds, so far they have not developed. the wind is very very light. 70s, 80s and 90s for temperatures. pittsburg, antioch, brentwood two of the warmer locations. 94 morgan hill, 92 santa clara, 91 al pee das. 90 redwood city, 78 san bruno, 68 daly city, pacifica 66. there's a little bit of an east wind right now so things are holding. fog will be back tuesday. with your weekend hours in view it looks warmer for the upcoming weekend. a unique store, a member of president obama's cabinet accused of a felony hit and run
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crash in southern california. what we're now hearing may have caused the strange behavior of commerce secretary john bryson. we're live in san fransisco where an attack on a bay to breakers runner just became a homicide. police need your help. we'll tell you what you can do to try to help the case. good morning highway 4 westbound you can see traffic is getting busier on the way up to the hill. look at you guys with your fancy-schmancy
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u-verse high speed internet. you know, in my day you couldn't just start streaming six ways to sunday. you'd get knocked off. and sometimes, it took a minute to download a song. that's sixty seconds, for crying out loud. we know how long a minute is! sitting, waiting for an album to download. i still have back problems. you're only 14 and a half. he doesn't have back problems. you kids have got it too good if you ask me. [ male announcer ] now u-verse high speed internet has more speed options, reliability and ways to connect. rethink possible.
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reliability and ways to connect. when i take a picture of this check, it goes straight to the bank. oh. oh look the lion is out! no mommy no! don't worry honey, it only works on checks. deposit checks from your smartphone with chase quickdeposit. just snap a picture, hit send and done. take a step forward and chase what matters.
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here's a quick look at some of the top stories we're following for you right mow. investigators in the east bay say a barbecue grill may have started an early morning apartment fire in bay point. luckily no one was hurt but those flames caused a lot of damage and forced several families out of their homes. also edwin ramos the man convicted of killing a father and two sons in san fransisco is scheduled to be sentenced later this morning. he could get life in prison for the 2008 murders. this morning we found out the coast guard is suspending a search for 22-year-old andrew bader. saturday night bader and a friend were climbing on the cliffs and that's when he slipped and fell into the water. he is presumed to be dead. a man who was attacked after the bay to breakers race has died from his injuries.
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turning the case now into a homicide investigation. ktvu tara mother areaty joints us now. >> reporter: if you attended the beta breakers race police want you to check your cell phone to see if you have any pictures or a video that could perhaps provide them with clues. this is where the attack happened. we're across the street from ucsf and this is the entrance to golden gate park where the sharon arts studio and soccer fields are. friends and family have set up facebook pages in the hopes of generating tips. on may 20th the 30-year-old suffered brain damage, slipped into a coma and was taken off life support friday. the day of the race just before 5:00 witnesses say a fight broke out between martin who was wearing a green troll dog will and a group of men in 49ers jerseys. they say one of the men punched
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him, he fell and struck his head on the curb. police and family are friends are certain someone has evidence on their camera or cell phone. >> you want to think that almost every inch of this place was photographed during that day. witnesses describe the attackers as a group of latino men in their 20s wearing red and white 49ers jerseys we were with a group of women wearing purple and one woman was wearing an orange tu-tu. and they're asking you to check your cell phone to see if you can help them out with this homicide case. new this morning, it is fear that there are many casualties after two earthquakes in northern afghanistan. followed bay magnitude 5.7 quake. an afghan official says more than 20 houses have been buried in a landslide caused by the
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quakes. at least two women's bodies have been pulled from the  rubble but many others are feared to have been been buried merchandise their home. egypts government says former president has slipped into a coma. his health has been deteriorated when he was convicted of failing to prevent the killings of hundreds of protesters. he has been sentenced to life in prison. we have new information about a story we first told you about at 4:30 just 10 minutes ago. the commerce department released a statement. they said that commerce secretary john bryson suffered a seizure in connection with with two car crashes he's accused of causing insoever corn. about 5 p.m. on saturday he rear-ended a car that was stopped for a train in san gabriel. he talked to the three men inside that car but then took off hitting their car again as he left. 5 minutes later bryson hit another car. police found bryson
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unconscious. he was rushed to the hospital for treatment but he was later released. he's now back in washington d.c. police say the initial tests found mo sign of drugs or alcohol. well this morning a red flag fire warning is still in effect in the north bay mountains and the east bay hills. firefighters from all over the bay area are going door to door. they're warning homeowners of the extreme fire danger we have right now. they're also giving important safety tips ahead of what could be a very bad fire season for the bay area. >> the fire comes in here, throws an ember in here and catches this and it's made it across the road. what we like to see is the breakup of the continuity of the fuel. >> the red flag warning took effect over the weekend because of hot temperatures and gusty winds. the lack of rain in the bay area has just added to the danger. 6:49 is the time now. what are you keeping an eye on sal. >> we're looking at the bay
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bridge. it's getting thicker now and getting from oakland to san fransisco is about a 5 to 7 minute delay. once you make it on the bridge looks good. going to be a warm day today according to steve so that may factor into your plans, especially mt. in the afternoon in case you have a car without an air conditioner. let's take a look at 880 north and southbound. this traffic is moving along nicely as you pass the oakland coliseum. and this morning if you're driving across the san mateo or dunbar bring, looks good a couple minor stalled vehicles along the way. all the way up todayly city looks good. remember there are closures near the olympic club for the u.s. open all week long. let's go to steve. >> don't even think about parking in some of the neighborhoods sal. >> they're watching out for that. we have clear skies, the fog down in southern california today looks to be the best day
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along the coast because the fog will be back tomorrow. today everything looks good. it happens in the 50s and already the 60s so sunny, breezy, nice, not as warm as yesterday. the wind is not as strong offshore. it was really strong yesterday and then it turned down. elevated fire danger even though that north wind has turned more west. temperatures will be out of the gate fast. the days are very long as you know, low ice to low 60s, 10- degree spread. high pressure system will move, that will allow this system to start working its way closer towards us, but that won't be until tuesday or wednesday so the storm stack stays to the north. lighter breeze but i do think it will turn more westerly. 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s on those temps. it does hot look like the patch of clouds is forming so i'll
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take that out of the forecast. low to mid-80s arounded bay. about the 4áeud mid-80 should cover it. santa cruz 88, even though it's sunny, it will be nice, i was, upper 60s, low to mid-70s and upper 80s, low 90s. fog will be back tuesday and really comes back wednesday. general electric considering spinning off parts of its lending business. the company has already cut down its ge capital division by selling assets and allowing its loan portfolio to shrink but they say top executives are looking at going further. that could mean selling off consumer businesses such as ge credit cards and showroom financing. >> we may be your new own, but. >> madagascar 3 led the circus parade to the top of the box
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office. it earned more than the original madagascar movie. my 8-year-old says it's the best one yet. pro mete jus debuted a strong 2 2nd despite an r rating and they did combine to bring hollywood out of an early dip in revenues. >> steve loves pro meteors. >> the u.s. open of golf hits the bay area this week. we're out there. these are live pictures. but the tournament itself, streets are blocked off all around there. the tournament doesn't start until thursday but the best golfers in the world are already here and getting ready. plus we have the story of how three good samaritans rescued a woman after her car crashed into the oakland estuary estuary. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ [ transforming sounds ] [ male announcer ] transformers. the ride.
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ride it at universal studios hollywood. welcome to the solar generation road trip. if you want to know how solar energy is working for america, you have to go out and ask america. we're talking to people from coast to coast who are using solar power every day. from a few panels on a homeowner's roof. to large solar plants with enough utility power for a whole town. solar energy is working for america now. saving us money, creating new jobs and giving our world a brighter future. go solar! welcome to the solar generation
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welcome back to the ktvu channel 2 morning news. taking you live to the big board, dow jones up about 35 points. it started up though about 70 right off the bat. a lot of eyes on europe right now spain's bailout. three good share tons rescued a woman after her car ran off the road. it happened last night about 8:15 near swan way near the
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oakland airport. the rescuers saw the woman's car in the water. it was sinking fast, so they jumped in and pulled her to safety. she was treated and released there at the scene. we still don't know why her car ran off the road. right now the first practice round is about to get underway at the 112th u.s. open. we want to take you out there to the olympic club this morning. here's a live -- you can see plenty of security because people, they try to sneak out to that course to watch a little bit of that golf. traffic expected to be heavy around the area. practice round starts in just a few minutes minutes and more than 24 a 5,000 people expected to attend. let's quickly check in with sal speaking of traffic. >> it's getting a little bit busier. quickly we're going to update. 2 highway 4 is getting busy over the hill and if you're driving over to 680 that looks all right. and 80 westbound getting a little slow.
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>> well, warm to hot inland and over by daly city west lake say man tee today looks to be the best day of the week because the fog will be back tomorrow. sunshine, temperatures 60s, 70s, i 80s and 90s. >> also coming up, a story we've been following since 4:30 this morning, new information on a big apartment fire in the east bay. >> and the doors are about to open for apple fans in san fransisco. stay right here for that. ♪
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♪ we were skipping stones ♪ and letting go ♪ over the river and down the road ♪ [ female announcer ] at nature valley, we know nature comes together in amazing ways. that's why we bring together natural ingredients, like dark chocolate with toasted oats, or sweet golden honey. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ ♪ i was thinking that i hope this never ends ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious.


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